Dream Destination Cruising

Dream Vacations & Memories of a Lifetime begin here!

Our Story

Although Troy and I were both born and raised in small Michigan towns, Troy in Milford and I in Hartford, we met in 2007 in Asheville, North Carolina. Troy has a son and a daughter and we have 4 dogs. We have 1 Whippet, Olive. We also have Diva a pointer/lab mix. Number three is Bella who is Chihuahua/terrier mix. Our newest to the family is Faith and she is an American Fox Hound

​Troy and I knew early on in our marriage that we wanted to work together, but didn’t know how that would look as

we had very different careers. Troy and I both have always had big dreams. One thing that is very obvious is Corporate America and the employee/employer model doesn’t necessarily get you there. Now don’t get us wrong we absolutely love our corporate careers. However, to leave a legacy and help people the way we want to help them we needed to look at an additional stream of income but more about that later.

One of the things that Troy is super passionate about is personal development and he has fueled that desire in me. Troy and I have not had a TV hooked up in our home since early 2015. People are always amazed when they learn that and often ask “what do you do at night”. That’s an easy answer, we watch personal development webinars and read, we talk about our dreams and we help others in their journey of growth and development.

I was on Facebook a little over 5 years ago and saw a banner ad that had a cruise ship on it and it said MEMBERSHIP. I was intrigued because Pam and I had been on 3 cruises the year before and there is only one thing I hate about cruising. I hate paying that balance due 90 days before a cruise. Don't get me wrong, we saved for our cruising vacations but it seemed like "Life" often got in the way - new tires on the car, a new transmission, my kids needed money for school, etc. I remember thinking "All I want is an account that has the money already in it so that I can simply book the cruise and be done with it". I did not think I was asking for to much. Three days later, I became a partner and a member with the company that I saw the ad for.

Then it happened.....

Over the next 7 years, we have been able to cruise the world and make life long memories with my son and daughter. They also have memberships and they have been able to take 2 cruises with us and now they are taking their families on cruises. I am so thankful that my decision 7 years ago has given me my life back.

Now, I'm a Founding Partner with the company and a Regional Director. My wife and I have been on 19 luxury cruises. We have been all over the Greek Isles, Alaska and all over the Caribbean. I have almost 400 friends, family and others that have cruise memberships and get to cruise the world with us.

We have been blessed to visit 18 countries and 28 exotic destinations so far and our total savings are over $34k because we said YES to the most unique travel program ever created.

I am doing this because I have a passion for travel and for helping others to travel the world like I have had the blessing to do. I believe that everyone deserves to experience the 5 R's. - REST, RELAXATION, REJUVENATION, RECOOPERATION and RECONNECTION.  That is exactly what happens every time I get on a cruise.

I am passionate about the 5R's because I was a workaholic that missed most of my children's early years because I was working all the time. I was so busy trying to be "The Provider" that there are years when I have very few memories of my children as they grew up.  My wife would share things with me and I was not there for all the "First's".  When I was home, I was exhausted and not present at all.  I spent those years saying "Just one more year and it will get better" or  "We are just about to turn the corner".  One year turned into 3 and then my son was 7 and my daughter was already 2.  I was missing everything because I just could not get around the corner to any financial success.  I love my son and daughter so much but they did not get much time with dad because I was too busy trying to provide and find success.

If this resonates with you, I would love the opportunity to share more about how we were able to turn the tide and how YOU can too.

Check out our short video testimonial below.